Friday, February 2, 2007

The Overreaction State

In the light of the story regarding the self-induced mass panic that swept through the city of Boston, all I can say is 'Wow.' Are people really this stupid? And, at the same time, are people in Boston really that slow as to not notice various lighted signs placed strategically around their city?

I'm picking on Boston because these signs were in various other large cities without incident. Milwaukee did not have the privilege of getting them, but being a fan of Aqua Teen Hunger Force I would have probably tried to 'obtain' one if they had been here.

However, I'm still trying to wrap my head around certain aspects of this story.I'm still somewhat young and I'd like to think I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture enough to recognize an ad campaign. But in this post 9/11 society there are some people who just seem to be perpetually looking for a fight with domestic terrorism. Their paranoia and 'what if?' mentality allows things like this to happen. We have just experienced a piece of history in the making not unlike the panic induced by the radio performance of War of the Worlds in 1938.

Perhaps what makes my stomach churn the most is how the media and government agencies that blew this out of proportion in the first place are refusing to take responsibility and are instead trying to 'investigate' the issue and hold certain other people accountable. That, to me, is simply inexcusable.

Sadly, this probably won't be the last time an incident like this takes place. Who knows where it will strike next? Let's just hope that the next time people freak out over lighted signs, it doesn't happen in Las Vegas.

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